Siobhan & Baby Reggie

When I fell pregnant with my second baby I was over the moon to be blessed with another baby, after it sunk in that I was expecting again I felt overwhelmed with panic at the thought of giving birth again. I decided to do Hypnobirthing this time as I needed to get into the right frame of mind and prepare myself for childbirth!

I found Caron who I can't thank enough, for her teaching and support throughout my pregnancy!

I ended up being induced the day after my due date, something I didn't particularly want to do as I was induced with my first baby. The reason for this was because I was told at my scans that my baby was "big" and was advised not to wait around. I went into hospital on the Saturday and had a 24 hour pessary and was told after an examination that my waters could be broken, they were eventually broken on Monday evening at 6pm, at 8.30pm I was taken to the labour room (not yet contracting) and was advised I might need to be put on the hormone drip if I didn't progress naturally. When I got into the labour room it was as if a switch went in my body and everything fell into place, I went from 2cm to 7cm from 8.30pm to 10.30pm and managed to do this using my Hypnobirthing techniques and my tens machine, everything I learnt from Caron I applied when I was in labour and really believe that the breathing techniques got me through, it was my focus point something I needed!

I gave birth at 1.08am to my beautiful baby boy, who weighed 10lb 14oz …. something I didn't quite believe when I was told, if someone would have told me what he weighed prior to labour and before completing the hypnobirthing course I probably would have panicked and opted for a C-section, BUT I did do it naturally, my body knew what to do!


Lucie & Baby Sonny