What is Hypnobirthing?


Hypnobirthing is a complete birth education programme; it teaches breathing and deep relaxtion techniques which instils a feeling of total control, and calmness during birth. Hypnobirthing is primarily the mind/body connection with birth which incorporates self-hypnosis to eliminate negative thoughts around birth, predominantly the fear of birth itself and the pain experienced. It is based on the theories of Dr. Grantly Dick-Read, an English physician, and whose principles are also the foundation of the National Childbirth Trust (NCT). 

The aim of  Hypnobirthing is to teach you and your birthing partner the importance of replacing fear with confidence during birth. You will learn how fear and tension can work against the birthing body, making the birthing process often more difficult. By understanding the physiology of birth, you can access your innate ability to remain calm and recognize your birthing body working effectively. Hypnosis is a natural state of calm or deep relaxation and can be achieved upon given the tools to use and with regular practice. It is actually a state that our bodies seek out and welcome and is nothing to be feared. You remain completely in control at all times. The techniques of self-hypnosis, massage and breathing learned will serve you both well, whenever and wherever you birth leads you.

Benefits of Hypnobirthing


Deep level of relaxation

Reduced need for analgesia / drugs

Lessens the focus on the length of your birth

The birthing partner feels more involved in the whole birthing process

The birth experience is more gentle, relaxed and calm

You both feel more in control, able to make decisions and to deal with every eventuality.

Start your hypnobirthing journey now