Lucie & Baby Sonny

On Friday 26th, I thought it would just be my last day at work, and then I would get a few weeks to chill to prepare myself more for bub, but no no no bub was clearly ready to make his appearance sooner than expected. My waters broke at 4.20 sat 27th at just under 37weeks, I did not expect to have a baby 3 weeks early let me tell you. When my waters broke I really thought I had just peed a little, I thought I’d got to that point in pregnancy where I just couldn’t hold my bladder, even though the Friday I actually think I lost my mucus plug and I was laughing and joking to my husband about it (I really didn’t think that was it mind). In the early hours of sat morning I had a little trickle, changed my trousers and went back to bed, like I say I really thought I had peed a little! Later on that morning I got up again and gush, I can not tell you how much water was then just coming out of me, instantly rang the hospital, my mum of course and my husband, I had no contractions at this point so I hang on for my husband to come home and then went straight to the hospital. They checked and confirmed it was my waters, I was so sure I was gonna be late being my first, it was then like this is real, I’m having a baby. After no dilation and 24hours of being monitored I got sent home, to relax and eat some good food, at half 6 roughly on the Sunday 28th the following evening I started contracting, rang hospital and being that it had to be so many contractions by so many seconds/minutes I just done some breathing at home, by this point I was feeling good, controlled calm and being at home with my home comforts! My husband said why don’t we lay in bed and chill which we did, timing the contractions and chatting that we can’t believe this is happening already! By 1am early hours of Monday morning, so yerp I felt like I had been in labour for days by this point but actually I wasn’t even in active labour yet….so crazy, contractions got stronger and off to harlow we went, they check my cervix and monitored me again and I was 1cm dilated. I couldn’t believe no real change and if it wasn’t for my hypnobirthing and my mind set I think I would of lost the plot by this point haha, anyways they keep me in, room to myself, just breathing through it, they then was gonna check me again at 10am Monday morning, by this point the contractions where getting stronger but I was just breathing through this and telling myself I got this! Thanks to Caron, I knew my body was strong enough to get through what was about to come. My lovely midwife come got me at 10.30am Monday 29th and I’m not gonna lie it was the best news, being taken down the labour ward made me realise bub would be here soon and also that my husband could now join me, so she checked my cervix I was a fingernail dilated still and now I was thinking am I gonna go through all this and end up having a c section! Anyways she said a hormone drip is needed to speed my contractions up, I was willing to take advice as really I wanted to push this baby out so much, anyways the drip went in and omg it was intense, 4hours of contractions with just breathing and gas and air and I felt like I was superwomen, all what I had learnt keep me calm, by this point though I was shattered, they spoke of a epidural before it was to late and where my cervix wasn’t dilating she said this could go on for some time. After much, do I, don’t I, and talking to my husband I decided to take the epidural as I wanted to push my baby out and I needed something to help me rest before active labour. Anyways epidural in and I just chilled for abit….I couldn’t believe I was contracting like I had been and couldn’t feel it! Becky my lovely midwife said at half 6 (yep we now are on Monday evening) I’m gonna check your cervix, so the time came and I was fully dilated, I was so happy I can not tell you, the epidural was due a top up, they top it up hourly, she said what you wanna do I said let it ease off if I can as I wanna feel this and I wanna push, I truely hated the thought of any suction or foreceps, so we agreed she said il give you a hour and your be ready to push, so this was my chance to zen, blacked out room, music on, silence and breath….I was really in my head and just knew that soon I was getting to meet the greatest gift there is. After a hour It was time, and god I pushed, tried all positions but ended up on my back which I was so sure I didn’t want but well it was the only way I felt comfortable and confident to push, after about a hour of pushing with a few things that helped, I want go into detail with that he was here, my healthy gorgeous baby boy! I have never felt so strong, so brave and I thought the experience of labour was just magic, the horror story’s I had been told where kinda a lie and I was lucky enough to have such an amazing experience and we’ll I truely believe what I learnt was a big factor. I’m now and mum and I’m totally obsessed, I would do it again tomorrow


Siobhan & Baby Reggie


Fran & Baby Winnie