Laura & Baby Archie

I attended Hypnobirthing because my sister had traumatic births and I wanted to go brought labour not feeling scared!Hypnobirthing was great I was completely calm and relaxed during pregnancy and was actually looking forward to the labour. Listening to tracks before bed and birth affirmations was great.When my waters broke in the early hours of the morning I was completely calm and knew that soon I would be meeting my baby.Although contractions were close together from the start I was able to use my breathing techniques. I was so calm that I sent my husband back to bed while I listened to my birth affirmations. I listened to them for about 10 hours but time went by so quickly. Also looking at the mood board was great.I went into hospital 12 hours after my waters broke as I couldn’t feel baby move. I was 5cm dilated when arrived at hospital. I was able to use the birthing pool but after an hour was unable to get comfortable. I was ready to push soon after, I used the humming down technique but unfortunately after 2 hours no progress as contractions slowed down. I eventually had an episiotomy to get my little boy out and was on my back but was still a really positive birth. I only used gas and air and needed no other pain relief. I really don’t think I would of had such a positive birth experience if I hadn’t done by  hypnobirthing. Laura x x


Sophie & Baby Theodore


Kirsty & Baby Wilf